What audiences say about Fred and Mary
“Since Fred and Mary never met in their lifetimes, we weren't sure how their story would be told. Micki Shelton created an incredible play to bring the two together. As you listen to Mary Colter's dialog you can actually see and feel her vision for the buildings she created. It was my husband's first play and he loved it. When we left the Elk Theater we were ready to head to the Grand Canyon to revisit the story of Mary Colter. We loved it! It is truly an Arizona treasure!” ~ Kathy Weir who traveled from Tucson to Prescott to see “Fred and Mary”
"Micki...you did it! and it was soooo much fun and interesting (so hard to do historical dramas) and everyone learned alot and we actually teared up at the end for Mary!! Great little touches throughout the production! Loved the set, except the sightlines from my seat were non-existant ...next time sit in the extreme seats in the balconies...otherwise, good job and very workable production values for taking on the road someday...." ~ Joy Bingham Strimple, President of the Board of Scottsdale’s Arizona Women's Theatre Company
And comments from audiences around the state after our 2008-2010 staged readings:
""I LOVED Fred and Mary—the play, the actors, the setting. Thanks for bringing such wonderful live theater to Winslow!"
~ Allan Affeldt, Owner, La Posada Hotel
"Even if you've known Mary Colter only by her buildings, it was obvious there was a unique person and creative vision behind them. This play brings Colter alive, her personality, her vision, her struggles. And it turns our that Fred Harvey, who is often merely a face on a shopping bag, also has an interesting story behind him." ~ Don Lago, Grand Canyon Historian
“Playwright Micki Shelton and director Ellen Bailey worked their magic with strong talents and a great cast in Fred and Mary. The curtains of time were parted and the audience was swept into the lives of historic Fred Harvey and Mary Elizabeth Jane Colter and their friends and contemporaries—J.F. and Minnie Harvey Huckel, Herman Schweizer, Fred Kabotie, Ford and Byron Harvey, and Albert, the foreman. Delightful entertainment and a must see!”
~ Marie LaMar, Winslow Harvey Girl
“I loved the sensitivity and respect the playwright showed to the Native American culture. Well done! Brava! ~ PFAA reading, October 2008.