What audiences say about Medea's Ghost
"Medea's Ghost is a true masterpiece. Micki Shelton has deftly woven together the societal issues of illegal immigration, single motherhood, and mental illness to create a darkly compelling piece of theatre that challenges audiences to question their own capacity to love, to sin, and ultimately, to forgive." ~ Debra Rich Gettleman, Actor and Playwright
“…an important multi-level work that requires us to examine and question ourselves and our society. I love this play and am a captive audience. Bravo!!” ~ Susan Williams, former member of Teatro Athanor in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, and Danza Quattro in Guatamala City, Guatemala; and Director of Island Children’s Theater Company in Roatan, Honduras.
“Thanks, Micki, for your exceptional work and for giving us the opportunity to hear and react to it. I feel privileged.” ~ Warren Miller, Curator of Education, Sharlot Hall Museum, February 2007
“Medea's Ghost is at least bicultural in its context. Or borderless. Its Latin American supernatural device, where ghosts play such a major role, where the audience is in touch with the dead, brings an energetic plausibility and accessibility to the idea of grace. Yes, one can forgive oneself; yes, one can consciously decide to be forgiven, to return to grace. But it is a secular story. Never does Medea's Ghost preclude the idea of an intervening God, but neither does it require one for the completion of its transcendental process. Borderless and timeless, illuminating the vagaries of modern human adulthood with resolution from a dark Greek tragedy, Medea's Ghost is an indictment of the cruelty that wealth disparity forces upon those who must desperately balance the absurdities resulting when isolated poverty persists in such close proximity to the comfort of wealth so visible yet so far from reach—new money and old dilemmas of living in the American Southwest. But the play's indictment is only incidental. At center is an offer of hope and of transcendence.” ~ Terry N. Simmons, Professor of Anthropology, February 2010