Previous Events
March 24, 2018, 2PM
Protest Plays Project/
#TheatreActionGunControl Play Readings
A series of short plays in conjunction with March for Our Lives, is slated for the Prescott Public Library, 215 Goodwin Street, Founder's Suite B, at 2PM. (The march begins at 12 Noon at the Courthouse Plaza and ends at 1PM.) Tomorrow's Theatre Tonight is presenting the readings in collaboration with the Protest Plays Project begun by Tiffany Antone. At the event, audience members are invited to choose a character to read or just listen. Scripts will be provided.
The event is part of a nationwide event: #TheatreActionGunControl. The following playwrights have graciously given us permission to read their plays royalty free: Tiffany Antone, Diana Burbano, Rachael Carnes, Nelson Diaz-Marcano, and Micki Shelton.
March 5, 2018
Theatre Artists Studio proudly presents a season of new play readings called “First Look.”
On Monday March 5th 2018, Susan Sindelar and Brad Bond-Allen headed a cast reading Micki's play Cheap Food and Sex!
When two therapies converge in the Arizona desert, love is in the air; but supporting his mom’s way of healing her inner child still isn’t enough to prepare Garth for Frank’s ‘great white hunter’ ritual – or for his New York daughter, Serena. Sometimes a good laugh at ourselves is the best way to communicate and, maybe, the only way to heal the planet.
And the audience loved it, so Micki has submitted if (fingers crossed, send up good thoughts) for production during the 2018/2019 season.
All “First Look” readings are held at the Studio from 7-9pm one Monday each month from October through May. The exact dates and plays are announced one month prior to the reading in the Studio’s newsletter.
All artistic and sustaining members and their guests, and the general public, are invited and encouraged to attend. It’s FREE and no reservations are necessary.
Come and enjoy!
Theatre Artists Studio is near Paradise Valley Mall in Scottsdale. For directions click here or call 602-765-0120. Although the address of the theatre is 4848 E. Cactus Rd., the theatre is actually on N. Paradise Valley East. Turn north off Cactus Road onto N. Paradise Valley East (there's an Olive Garden Restaurant there). The theatre is on your left about 1-1/2 blocks north of Cactus.
Sandy Moss is interviewing Micki on her show, Sandy and Friends, on AZ-TV7. Friday, January 19th, to discuss these upcoming events. The show airs at 8:30 am
Female Playwrights ONSTAGE Festival 2017
Female Playwrights ONSTAGE Festival 2018
An International Women's Voices Day Event
Sunday, January 21, 2018, 2 PM
Prescott Downtown Public Library
215 E. Goodwin Street, Prescott, AZ
Founders Suite
Free and Open to the Public*
Tomorrow’s Theatre Tonight and The Artist’s Path is bringing Little Black Dress INK’s nationally sourced Female Playwrights ONSTAGE Festival to Prescott. This nationwide event features local actors and actresses giving voice to short plays and monologues written by female playwrights from around the world. This FREE reading of exciting new work will take place at the Prescott Public Library Founders Suite, 215 E. Goodwin Street at 2 PM on Sunday, January 21st.
Only about 24% of plays produced were written by women. That’s up from previous years.
Yet women make up about 86% of the theatre-going audience. Somethings off-kilter.
Every year, Little Black Dress INK (LBDI)—a nationwide female playwright producing organization—invites female-identifying playwrights to submit short pieces to suit the ONSTAGE theme. This year’s theme was "Volume Control." After playwrights submitted their plays, they participated in LBDI’s unique peer-review process to narrow down the list to semi-finalists. As a participating partner in this year’s festival, Tomorrow’s Theatre Tonight and The Artist's Path has selected eight semi-finalists to share with Prescott and the surrounding communities.
Tomorrow’s Theatre Tonight and The Artist’s Path are doubly excited to participate in the ONSTAGE Festival this year, as their reading is taking place in solidarity with the Women’s Voices Theater Festival in its global pursuit of gender parity.
While the annual festival features plays written by playwrights from around the country, Prescott residents may be excited to know that the festival line-up includes plays by local playwrights Micki Shelton and Melanie Ewbank. Jitterbug by Shelton begins as a Jewish New Yorker reminisces about her first love—to an Irish immigrant in the days when such things were not allowed. Out to Pasture by Ewbank lets us rubberneck as a démodé My Pretty Pony suffers a meltdown.
“One of the things I love about our festivals is that you get so much variety in one evening,” said Little Black Dress INK’s Artistic Director, Tiffany Antone. “You can start the evening with 10 minutes of off-the-wall fun before being plunged into something that absolutely squeezes your heart, followed by another short play or monologue to laugh or cry with for a few minutes before we change genres or topics yet again. It’s like treating yourself to a night of theatrical tapas – there’s something for every palate!”
Each play reading features a different director and cast. The selected line-up will feature Julie Harrington, Sean Jeralds, Linda Miller, Karen Murphy, Delia Whitehead, Jeffrey Zucker, and many other talented actors and directors.
Feedback from each reading location around the country will be given to Little Black Dress INK, in order to help them narrow down which winning pieces will be fully produced in Prescott in the summer.
*Be advised: Some plays do contain mature subject matter and language.
For more information about the Women's Voices Theater Festival, go to: http://www.womensvoicestheaterfestival.org/events

Monday, January 15, 2018, 7 PM
Zephyr Theatre
7456 Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles
Free and Open to the Public

Sometimes it takes a little longer than we all thought to get an arts project up and running. Such is the case with the L.A. readings of the Little Black Dress INK 2017 finalists in the Female Playwrights ONSTAGE Festival. Heck. No problem. Thanks to Alan Blumenfeld, the other 11 finalists and I are happy to see our short plays arrive in the big city. If you're in the area, come hear 12 new plays by women. Weather permitting, I plan to come from Arizona to see the show.